Wednesday, February 23, 2011

hahahahaa..kesian kt aku...

Nih kejadian yang paling lucu n memalukan aku.. tanggal 23 feb 2011 iaitu hari ini ada crita lawak yg aku nk kongsikan dgn korang..

Mulanye begini....

Tengahari tu aku kuar g Alamanda dgn ofismate aku.. NorZ aku pnggil dia. NorZ nie p tgk kasut..kepala aku kusut sgt mase tu, handphone plak tinggal kt ofis. risau takot suami tepon xdpt2 n mcm2 lagila.
bsambung kepada cerita lawak aku td .aku pown pe lg bwk la dia nie p 1 kedai kasut (lokasi kedai di rahsiakan). Pastu suasana dlm kedai tu tegang n sunyi sangat..(maklumlah org tak dpt gaji lg). tgh aku sebOk2 memaksa NorZ nih beli kasut, tibe2 NorZ sound kt aku.
''Eh ma..baek2 ade kasut kt blakang!!"
aku ingatkan aku da jatuhkan kasut tu dari rak kedai tu,aku pown ape lg dengan pantasnye aku mnyambar kasut aku lalu meletakkan kasut tu dkt rak kasut tersebut.
TIBA-TIBA!!! "Awak..tu kasut kawan saye!" kedengaran 1 suara wanita dari belakang. seisi kedai (termasuk pelanggan dan pekerja) ketawakan aku..
adoiiii malu weiiiii...hahahahahahha!!!!!

Friday, February 18, 2011


eyes collage makeup eyeshadow picture and wallpaper

Eyeshadow Application Tips

1. Before using eye-shadow, use a little powder on the eyelid as a base.
2. Eye-shadow is available in many shades. On black eyes, chocolate, green or mauve shades are preferred.
3. Eyeshadow is commonly found in powder form but it is also available in cream with a sponge-tip wand and in crayons.

4. Eyeshadow should be used for night make-up.

5. Eye shadows with cream-coloured, soft and silky texture are posed in two blows of brushes and are based on the eyelid naturally.
6. Apply the darkest shade to the outer corners of the eyes from lash line to the crease.
7. Use the light shade to cover the entire eyelid that is from the lash line to the brow.

8. Apply the medium shade on the lower lid.
9. Never share the eye makeup tools because by doing so you may unknowingly transfer eye infections to one another such as the conjunctivitis.
10. Cheer up now, as there is a way to make it stick for little longer.